BBC Radio 1922-2022: navigating the waves of change, Radio Studies Network conference.

By Jerome Turner on December 7th, 2022

On November 26th, MeCCSA’s Radio Studies Network held the conference ‘BBC Radio 1922-2022: navigating the waves of change’. This constituted a range of papers, many of them understandably exploring the legacy of BBC radio through archival work, but issues such as diversity and the impact of formats such as podcasting were also covered.

I organised a panel of four papers from the well-established Academic Archers network, with my own being a ‘revisit’ of my previous Archers Twitter fan fiction paper – ‘Still @borsetpolice: re-viewing Archers fan fiction on Twitter (2011-22)’. The panel as a whole addressed various aspects of audience, social and fan responses to the show.

My Twitter Moments compilation hopefully captures the variety and quality of work presented on the day.

(Group photo: courtesy of the MeCCSA Radio Studies Network and Lawrie Hallett)