International Ethnography Symposium – University of Manchester
Last week I attended and presented at the 12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium at University of Manchester. My paper was part of the Spaces of Citizenship stream, drawing on my PhD work – and actually written up from work I had been working on just the previous day in my revision process.
As such (and as always), it was useful to get some feedback on the work (it seems that regardless of what aspect of my work I start off by presenting, people are always interested in discussing the covert / troubling nature of online ethnography ethics). My paper was accompanied by a research poster pictured below, and which you can find here.
The conference was enjoyable (as the best are) in having a mix of subjects close to my own work, but also the more exotic, with 26 streams and a choice of several parallel rooms to pick from. Other standouts include a witty, thoughtful and engaging keynote from Prof Bruno Latour, which had me searching through Google Scholar for the works cited. Twitter was also pretty active, you can get another sense of the conference from the hashtag #ethsym17.