Documenting Jazz 2020
Between 16th– 18th January 2020, took place at Birmingham City University (city centre campus) the second edition of international conference Documenting Jazz. The event brought together at the Curzon Building approx. one hundred delegates from twenty countries to discuss the conference’s theme ways of documenting jazz as visual culture. During the three days, there were a large number of papers, posters, books sessions, roundtables, exhibitions and two exciting keynotes focus on this year theme delivered by Professors Catherine Tackley and Kristin McGee.
The Documenting Jazz conferences offer an unparalleled variety of experiences drawn from across the world. It brings together colleagues from across the academic, archive, library, and museum sectors to explore and discuss ways of documenting jazz. As the conference’s second edition programme reflects, there were contributions from individuals of all career stages: from established scholars and practitioners to those just starting their careers, embracing the academic sector and other heritage and cultural organisations.
The Documenting Jazz 2020 also aimed to challenge the narratives surrounding Jazz Studies as a male-dominated domain. Professors Tackley and McGee both represent excellence in jazz scholarship, and the Conference Committee and Dr Pedro Cravinho (Conference Chair) are incredibly grateful for their contribution. The conference also featured participation and attendance from BCMCR’s Jazz Studies cluster members: Prof Tim Wall, Prof Nick Gebhardt, Prof Tony Whyton, Dr Nicolas Pillai, Dr Simon Barber, Dr Mike Fletcher, Dr Corey Mwamba, Dr Roger Fagge, Andre Bain, Tony-Dudley Evans, Brian Homer and Alan Musson.

For further information about Documenting Jazz conferences, check: http://documentingjazz.com/