Celebrating 30 years of the National Jazz Archive (1988-2018)
This year represents a significant milestone for the National Jazz Archive as it celebrates thirty years of activity. The NJA holds one of UK’s remarkable collection of written, printed and visual material on jazz, blues and related music, from the 1920s to the present day. Since 1988, its vision has been to ensure that the rich cultural heritage of jazz is safeguarded for future generations. This year also represents the beginning of a partnership between Birmingham City University and the NJA towards the establishment of an NJA’s satellite-based at BCU’s Arts, Design and Media Archives located in Parkside Building, where the first archival materials have already arrived.
Both achievements provide us with an excellent opportunity to recognise, appreciate and celebrate these milestones through an exhibition, displaying examples of a significant and exciting jazz magazine collection, published in a multiplicity of different countries and representing a distinct and vibrant jazz diaspora culture during the twentieth century.
The ADM Archives are open to everyone to organise a visit to the Archive at ADM-Archives-Request@bcu.ac.uk
Dr Pedro Cravinho
Keeper of the Archives – Faculty of Arts, Design and Media
Trustee for the National Jazz Archive