‘Aden Then & Now’ Relaunches at Parkside Gallery in November!
‘Aden Then & Now’ is an interactive exhibition which draws on archival material from 1914 onwards in what was then known as the ‘Aden Protectorate’ to better understand more contemporary developments of the current war in Yemen.
From the 1914 Battles with the Ottomans and the 1965-1967 ‘riots’, to the rise of Al-Qaeda in the late nineties; from the outbreak of the civil war in the aftermath of the 2011 uprisings, to the more recent military intervention by the Saudi-led coalition, Yemen is a country torn by long years of conflict and unrest.
Drawing on print and audiovisual archival material and photographs from the early 1900, and on more recent contributions from Yemenis who live in Aden today, this exhibition is an opportunity to rethink the contemporary legacies of the ‘Great War’ in Yemen, and to explore the human, political and ethical costs of being involved in a war which has been going for over 100 years.

Aden Yemen, 1916, Old Town