Craft Economies: Inequalities, Opportunities and Interventions

Date & Time:

4th December, 09:00


STEAMHouse, Birmingham
108 Digbeth High Street
B5 6DT


A one-day conference about craft, exploring the current state of the craft economy and issues around inequalities in the sector.

In this conference we will explore the current state of the craft economy with an emphasis on the experiences and voices of makers around the world. We seek to address the following questions:

  • How do makers negotiate the contemporary craft economy?
  • What challenges do makers face, particularly those from marginalised communities?
  • How can the craft economy be more open and equitable?
  • What does the future of the craft economy look like?

Provisional programme (subject to change)

9.00-9.30 Registration, tea and coffee

9.30-9.45 Welcome

9.50-10.35 Keynote: Deidre Figureido, Craftspace Birmingham

10.35-10.45 Short break

10.45-12.00 Panel 1: Craft and the Community

12.00-12.45 Lunch

12.45-2.00 Panel 2: Global Craft

2.00-3.15 Panel 3: Craft and Sustainability

3.15-3.30 Tea and coffee break

3.30-4.45 Roundtable discussion: Diversity in craft and the creative industries with Karen Patel (Birmingham City University), Deidre Figureido (Craftspace), Lorna Hamilton Brown and Jeanette Sloan (BIPOC in Fiber). Chaired by Rajinder Dudrah (Birmingham City University).

4.45-5.00 Closing remarks

5.00-6.00 Drinks reception at Digbeth Works, 79A Digbeth, B5 6DY (1 minute walk from STEAMHouse)

This conference is part of the UKRI/RCUK Innovation Fellowship, ‘Supporting Diversity and Expertise Development in the Contemporary Craft Economy’ led by Dr Karen Patel of Birmingham City University and in collaboration with Crafts Council UK. For more information about the project visit the Craft Expertise website.