BCMCR – New Thinking #1 – 2019/20
We are pleased to announce the publication of “New Thinking #1”, the first in a new series of ‘zine-style publications developed by researchers within BCMCR.
This first issue came about following a BCMCR strategy meeting in July. Ahead of that meeting our centre director, Nick Gebhardt, had asked each of the research-active staff scheduled to attend to prepare and deliver a 2-minute talk around their research. Each were asked to frame that presentation as a response to the following prompt:
“Start with an object, event, theory, problem, technological innovation, inspiration, etc., and tell a story of where you’re going with your work, and feel free to experiment with the form/content. The emphasis is on lucid writing, imagination, and brevity!”
The resulting presentations were unique and engaging, and together they provided a new perspective on the work being developed across the centre. We decided to pull them together into a ‘zine-style publication that could be presented as a snapshot manifesto of BCMCR at this point in time.
Our hope is that you will enjoy reading this publication, and that it will provide you with a route in to the exciting and innovative research we are developing here at BCMCR.
You can download a PDF copy here, or read it online here. There are also a limited number of printed copies available. Please contact Craig Hamilton if you would like to discuss getting one of those.
A second issue of New Thinking will be published in 2020, with more to follow as the series develops.