AHRC Midlands4Cities Collaborative Doctoral Award: Re-imagining the arts festival in times of crisis
Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs) are co-designed between an M4C university and an external partner organisation. CDAs offer a project with established research aims, responding to particular needs in the cultural, creative and heritage sectors. The supervisory teams are pre-established and are made up of academics from a Midlands4Cities university and a member of the external partner organisation. A Collaborative Doctoral Award allows you to:
-produce a quality thesis under expert academic and partner supervision
-gain first-hand experience of partner organisations outside the university environment
-enhance employability and skills.
The Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research at Birmingham City University is inviting applications for students interested in a CDA entitled “Re-imagining the arts festival in times of crisis.” This research will be undertaken in association with the British Arts Festivals Association (BAFA) and supervised by Profs Nick Gebhardt and Tony Whyton. For full details about the project and applying please visit: https://www.midlands4cities.ac.uk/find-a-project/